The Annenberg Public Policy Center's, the nonpartisan "consumer advocate" for voters, has been nominated for the third consecutive year for a Webby as best Political Blog/Website.

The Annenberg Public Policy Center's, the nonpartisan "consumer advocate" for voters, has been nominated for the third consecutive year for a Webby as best Political Blog/Website.
The Philadelphia City Council has honored Judge Marjorie O. Rendell and the Rendell Center for Civics and Civic Engagement for their work in civic education, and credited its partnership with the APPC as well.
The Annenberg Classroom documentaries “Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases” and "Magna Carta," both released in September for Constitution Day, have been awarded prizes for excellence.
A study by Annenberg Public Policy Center researchers finding that "The Colbert Report" educated viewers about campaign finance better than other media has been awarded 2014 Article of the Year by the journal Mass Communication and Society.
Amy B. Jordan, Ph.D., associate director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, took office this week as president of the International Communication Association , the leading international organization dedicated to scholarship in the field of communication.
Political reporter Brandon Rittiman of KUSA, 9News Denver, was awarded the 2015 Cronkite/Jackson Prize for Fact Checking for his work producing what the jury called "the best fact checking segments on local TV."
Annenberg Public Policy Center director Kathleen Hall Jamieson delivered the David Lecture on "Communicating the Value and Values of Science" before the National Academy of Sciences, looking at successes and failure in science communication in areas such as climate change, vaccines and GMOs., the nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters, has been awarded the 2015 Webby for best Political Blog/Website by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. And thanks to its readers, it has also been awarded the People’s Voice Webby in the same category.
Television station KUSA in Denver, Colo., has won the 2015 Cronkite/Jackson Prize for Fact Checking Political Messages, named for the founding director of, Brooks Jackson. The fact-checking award was selected by a jury convened by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, home of
Annenberg Classroom’s That’s Your Right game has been named a finalist for a 2015 Games for Change Award. The game, a single- or multiplayer digital card game that teaches students about the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, was named one of the three finalists for Best Gameplay.