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APPC Health Communication Scholars Published in AIDS and Behavior

Michael Hennessy, research analysis manager at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, was lead author of a paper, “Differentiating between precursor and control variables when analyzing reasoned action theoriesm,” co-written with APPC’s Amy Bleakley, Martin Fishbein, and Dan Romer, and colleagues Larry Brown (Brown University), Ralph DiClemente and Laura Salazar (Emory University), Robert Valois (University of

Electing the President, 2008, now available

Since 1992 the Annenberg Public Policy Center has held presidential election debriefings gathering top Republican and Democratic campaign strategists to offer their insights following Election Day. Now APPC has released Electing the President, 2008 (Penn Press), its third debriefing book sharing insider analysis captured at the event. Unlike earlier books, a DVD featuring selected video is

Priya Nalkur published in Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

An article by Priya G. Nalkur, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at APPC’s Annenberg Center for Advanced Study in Communication, was published in the journal Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies (December 2009). Nalkur’s research with Tanzanian street children, former street children, and school-going children sheds light on the possible role of rehabilitative care in positively shifting

APPC Health Communication Scholars Published in Journal of Sex Research

Michael Hennessy, Ph.D., research analysis manager at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, was lead author of a paper, “Estimating the Longitudinal Association Between Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Exposure to Sexual Media Content,” published in the Journal of Sex Research. Co-authors were APPC’s Dr. Amy Bleakley, Professor Martin Fishbein (principal investigator of the study), and Dr.

Findings released on mass media as an HIV-prevention strategy

In a study just released in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Adolescent Communication Institute (ACI) and five other universities along with a Philadelphia media development firm report that a mass media program directed to African American youth ages 14 to 18 reduced sexual risk behavior, especially among

APPC’s Martin Fishbein publishes new volume on theory of reasoned action

In their new volume, Predicting and Changing Behavior: The Reasoned Action Approach, Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen describe and update the reasoned action approach, the groundbreaking theoretical construct for understanding human behavior that has provided the basis for more than 1,000 journal articles in the three decades since they introduced it. The authors consider the

NASY data indicate no negative relationship between Facebook use and grades for high school or college students

Recent news reports that stated the use of the social networking site, Facebook, hurts students’ grades in school are contradicted by recent results from the National Annenberg Survey of Youth (NASY) and previous data collected by Eszter Hargittai of Northwestern University. Results were published in the online journal, First Monday, after a fast-tracked peer-review process.

APPC research published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs

The current issue of the Journal of Consumer Affairs features an article summarizing findings from a national survey led by Annenberg School for Communication Professor Joseph Turow, Ph.D., and funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, to examine online consumers’ understanding of privacy rules and regulations. The survey data, originally gathered in 2005, was recently