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New Textbook Co-Authored by Amy Jordan

The textbook Children, Adolescents, and the Media (Second Edition, 2008, Sage) is now available. Amy B. Jordan, Ph.D., director of the Media and the Developing Child sector of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, is co-author of the book, along with Victor C. Strasburger, MD, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, and Barbara J. Wilson, Ph.D.,

Essential Mental Health Resources Now Available in Spanish

Books for parents, counselors and others concerned with the prevention and treatment of mental disorders in adolescents are now available online in Spanish. The volumes, produced by the Sunnylands Adolescent Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) and published by Oxford University Press, provide concise guides to eating disorders and schizophrenia. The books offer up-to-date information from noted

Amy Jordan on Children and Electronic Media

Amy Jordan, director of the Media and the Developing Child sector of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, has authored “Children’s Media Policy,” the final article in the latest issue of the journal The Future of Children, which is devoted exclusively to children and electronic media. The journal is a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School of

Condom labeling study published

An article examining the effectiveness of Food and Drug Administration proposed condom package labeling, co-authored by Amy Bleakley, a research scientist in the Health Communication Group of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, has been published in the journal AIDS and Behavior. Bleakley, and co-authors Martin Fishbein, director of APPC’s Health Communication Group, and David Holtgrave

Amy Jordan Briefs Senate Staff on Childhood Obesity

More than nine million children in the United States are overweight, a figure that has tripled since the 1970s. Overweight children are more likely to suffer psychological and physical health problems in their youth, and those problems are likely to follow them to adulthood. Obesity may be the number-one health problem facing children today. That

Many youth expect to die early, new APPC study finds

Many U.S. youth ages 14 to 22 expect to die before age 30, according to a new study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.  About one out of 15 young people (6.7 percent) expressed such “unrealistic fatalism,” the study concludes. “I am surprised that one in 15 young Americans report they will die so

Google poised to become Big Brother, Turow warns

Google’s decision to spend $3.1 billion to buy little-known DoubleClick will affect the future of American media and the way advertisers tell stories about you and me,” writes Joseph Turow in an op-ed published in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. Turow, who studies the media, the internet and advertising, urges federal scrutiny of the acquisition because

Groundbreaking volume on adolescent brain development released

In June 2005, a distinguished group of researchers gathered at the University of Pennsylvania to synthesize recent developments in the field of adolescent brain development and their implications for the prevention of mental disorder. The results have been released in a new volume, Adolescent Psychopathology and the Developing Brain: Integrating Brain and Prevention Science, published