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On @ir Online

Covering Politics On-Air and Online stems from research that the Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted in partnership with the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation (RTNDF) and 10 local television stations in separate markets during the 2002 election season. The project was designed to explore how local broadcast news stations can best use the Internet

Issue Advertising in the 1999-2000 Election Cycle

Annenberg Public Policy Center Tracks over $509 Million in Reported Expenditures on Issue Advocacy Almost $248 million was spent on TV ads in the top 75 media markets after Super Tuesday, $85 million addressed health care issues. Download the report Issue Advertising in the 1999-2000 Election Cycle.

Americans Still Unfamiliar With Most of Bush and Gore’s Policy Positions and Feel Ill-Equipped to Make Choice Between Them

Fifty-five percent of Americans feel they don’t yet know enough about the candidates in the presidential election to make an informed choice, and most don’t know where George W. Bush and Al Gore stand on major policy issues according to new research from the Annenberg 2000 survey released today by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.