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School drug tests ineffective but a ‘positive climate’ might work

A national study of teenagers suggests that school drug testing did not deter them from starting to smoke tobacco or marijuana or drink alcohol. But in high schools that had a “positive school climate,” teens were less likely to start smoke cigarettes or marijuana, according to the study, in the January issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. The study compared the effectiveness over one year of school policies of student drug testing with a positive school climate.

Movie violence associated with sex, alcohol and tobacco use

Nearly 90 percent of the top-grossing movies over a 25-year period show main characters acting violently, and in 77 percent of the movies those characters also engage in sex-, alcohol- or tobacco-related behavior, a new study has shown. The study published in Pediatrics, by researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, found that more than half of the biggest PG-13 movies featured a main character acting violently and involved in either drinking, sexual behavior or smoking within a five-minute segment.

APPC study published in Communication Research

Research examining the effects of adolescent exposure to sexual content on television conducted by APPC scholars Jeffrey A. Gottfried, Ph.D., Sarah Vaala, Ph.D., Amy Bleakley, Ph.D., Michael Hennessy, Ph.D., and Amy Jordan, Ph.D., has been published in the journal Communication Research (February 2013). Article abstract: Using the Integrated Model of Behavioral Prediction, this study examines

In Election’s Closing Days, Ad Campaign Urges Battleground Stations to Reject Deceptive Outside Group Ads and Increase On-Air and Online Fact Checking

To remind radio and TV stations in battleground markets of their right to reject deceptive outside group ads and to thank those that have been fact checking deceptive political content,, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC), will spend $40,000 airing a version of this radio ad (transcript below) across 10 battleground

A Snapshot of Public Views of Candidate Foreign Policy Positions and Claims on the Eve of the 3rd Presidential Debate

On the eve of the third and final presidential debate, a survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals foreign policy vulnerabilities for each contender. Over four in ten believe that the Republican nominee would be more likely than President Barack Obama to take the country into war (Romney: 44.0%; Obama: 18.8%). A majority thinks

Use of effective coping strategies is associated with reduced suicidal ideation among both male and female youth

But males are more successful in reducing stress than females In a study recently published in Prevention Science, researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found that youth who naturally use effective coping strategies to deal with interpersonal stressors (such as bullying) experience lower levels of perceived stress, feelings of