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APPC Postdoctoral Fellow Presents Research Findings

Joelle Sano Gilmore, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at APPC’s Annenberg Center for Advanced Study in Communication, presented research findings at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society in Philadelphia, PA on February 25, 2011. Dr. Gilmore discussed similarities between corporate underwriting spots during children’s programming on PBS and advertisements during children’s programming on commercial networks, including the use of child-friendly production techniques and the prevalence of spots

Annenberg sex and media researchers published in Journal of Sex Research

Annenberg School for Communication alumna Shawnika J. Hull, Ph.D., and Annenberg Public Policy Center scholars Michael Hennessy, Ph.D., Amy Bleakley, Ph.D., Martin Fishbein, Ph.D., and Amy Jordan, Ph.D., published a paper, “Identifying the Causal Pathways from Religiosity to Delayed Adolescent Sexual Behavior” in The Journal of Sex Research (October 2010). The authors used data from the Annenberg Sex and Media study,

APPC identifies student mental health as important source of state and national differences in adolescent educational achievement

An analysis by Annenberg Public Policy Center researchers Sharon Sznitman and Dan Romer shows that international and U.S. state differences in the emotional well-being of adolescents are strongly related to their overall levels of academic achievement. In addition, these differences are strongly related to levels of poverty at the national and state level. The article

Internet Gambling Grows Among Male Youth Ages 18 to 22; Gambling Also Increases in High School Age Female Youth, According to National Annenberg Survey of Youth

Despite efforts by the federal government to impose restrictions on Internet gambling, college age youth are visiting online gambling sites at a growing rate, according to the latest National Annenberg Survey of Youth (NASY). Compared to the last survey conducted in 2008, monthly use of Internet gambling sites shot up this year from 4.4% to

Heavy exposure to screen entertainment media linked to less use of seatbelts in male adolescents: Findings from the National Annenberg Survey of Youth

Researchers have long noted that movies and television shows seldom show drivers wearing seatbelts. In an analysis of high school youths’ exposure to such entertainment, APPC researchers Sally Dunlop and Dan Romer found that males with heavy exposure to such programming were less likely to think that their friends and school peers used seatbelts. Furthermore,

APPC researchers published in Journal of Sex Research

Using data from the Annenberg Sex and Media Study, current and former Annenberg Public Policy Center health communication researchers Jennifer A. Manganello, Vani R. Henderson, Amy Jordan, Nicole Trentacoste, Suzanne Martin, Michael Hennessy, and Martin Fishbein have published a paper that compares how teens and trained coders evaluate sexual content in media. “Adolescent Judgment of

News coverage of litigation against Philip Morris helped adolescent smokers learn about the fallacies of “light” cigarettes

In a report released online in the journal Tobacco Control, postdoctoral fellow Sally Dunlop and Dan Romer, director of APPC’s Adolescent Health Communication Institute, show how a dramatic increase in newspaper coverage of litigation against Philip Morris for its deceptive advertising for light cigarettes was associated with a decline in misperceptions about the benefits of

Study Shows Effectiveness of Community-Based Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents

A study coordinated by researchers at APPC demonstrates the effectiveness of community-based screening to combat the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in high-risk adolescents. The study found that African-American youth ages 14 to 17 who were identified as positive for at least one of three STIs subsequently reduced their number of sexual partners and