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Open to Exploitation: American Shoppers Online and Offline

Sixty-four percent of American adults do not know that it is legal for online stores to charge different people different prices at the same time of day for the same product. This groundbreaking new study explores this and many other shopping rules that all Americans need to know in order to protect themselves from online

Spending on Issue Advertising in the 108th Congress

Over $404 million was spent on broadcast and print issue advocacy during the 108th Congress, with business interests outspending citizen-based advocacy groups by more than five to one. APPC’s report, Legislative Issue Advertising in the 108th Congress, addresses these findings and many more.

Party Identification by State

Based on answers from registered voters throughout the 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey Kansas, Nebraska and Utah are the most Republican states; Maryland and West Virginia the most Democratic, and Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine the most Independent.

Party Identification Shifts Toward Republicans, But Democrats Still Lead, Annenberg Data Show

Republicans narrowed the gap in party allegiance in the 2004 campaign, but are still outnumbered by Democrats, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Polling of 67,777 registered voters from October 7, 2003, through November 16, 2004, showed that 31.8 percent called themselves Republicans and 34.6 percent said they were Democrats, a Democratic

Post-Election Polling Shows Public Coming to Believe United States Is “Generally Going in Right Direction,” Annenberg Data Indicates

After the re-election of President George W. Bush, the American public has become more optimistic about the general direction of the country and more supportive of him personally and as president, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Interviews with 1,307 registered voters, conducted from November 3 through 11, showed that 47 percent