Backed by a small time buy in a few states, a TV advertisement sponsored by a 527 called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth began airing on August 5, 2004. The ad claimed that John Kerry lied to obtain his Viet Nam War medals. A news account in The New York Times indicated that the group
Research Findings
Public Favors Stem Cell Research
The public strongly favors federal funding of stem-cell research, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey finds. From July 30 through August 5, 1,345 adults were asked “Do you favor or oppose Federal funding of research on diseases like Alzheimers using stem cells taken from human embryos?” Sixty-four percent said they favored such funding,
After Convention, Kerry Catches Up With Bush on Optimism, Gains on Values, Inspiration
After the Democratic National Convention, John Kerry gained on George W. Bush when independents compared them on optimism, inspiration, and sharing their values, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Polling of 1,646 registered voters conducted from July 30, the day after the convention, through August 5 showed that 42 percent of independents
“Fahrenheit 9/11” Viewers and Limbaugh Listeners About Equal in Size; Perceive Two Different Nations
Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, has attracted about as many people as Rush Limbaugh’s radio broadcasts, but the election-year film appears to have hardly changed any minds, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Forty-one percent of the Moore movie goers said the picture made them think worse of George W. Bush. But
Kerry Gains on Bush in Persuadable Voters’ Impressions of Him as Caring, Experienced
As Democrats prepare to nominate John Kerry for President tonight, the persuadable voters who are still up for grabs see him as more caring, more knowledgeable, and less reckless, stubborn, or arrogant than George W. Bush, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. On one of those measures, a key one for Democrats,
Blacks, Hispanics Resist Republican Appeals But Conservative White Christians Are Stronger Supporters Than In 2000
Republicans have failed to make the significant gains they hoped for among minority voters in the last four years, but their core support among evangelical and born-again white Protestants is stronger, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.
Public Gives Cheney Advantage on Experience but Still Views Edwards More Favorably
The American people give Dick Cheney a clear advantage on experience over John Edwards, but still have a decidedly more favorable view of the Democratic choice for Vice President than of the Republican incumbent, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows The polling also showed the public does not think either George W.
Majority of Americans Thinks New Iraq Regime Has As Much or More Power Than U.S. Has There, But Still Doubt Bush Plan
Almost three-fifths of the American public believe the new Iraqi government has as much or more power than Americans have there, but about as many still feel that George W. Bush has no clear plan for bringing the situation in Iraq to a successful conclusion, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.
Attitudes Toward Edwards Positive, But Half Of Public Does Not Have Clear View
John Edwards begins his campaign for vice president today with a solidly favorable balance of public opinion behind him, at least among those who have opinions, but half the public has no clear view of him, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Thirty-one percent of the public, interviewed from last Thursday through
Marriage Gap Bigger Than Gender Gap, With Married People More Supportive Than Singles to Bush and Republicans
The marriage gap is bigger than the gender gap on a wide range of political issues, from opinions of George W. Bush and John Kerry to party allegiance or a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.