The American people give Dick Cheney a clear advantage on experience over John Edwards, but still have a decidedly more favorable view of the Democratic choice for Vice President than of the Republican incumbent, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows The polling also showed the public does not think either George W.
Research Findings
Majority of Americans Thinks New Iraq Regime Has As Much or More Power Than U.S. Has There, But Still Doubt Bush Plan
Almost three-fifths of the American public believe the new Iraqi government has as much or more power than Americans have there, but about as many still feel that George W. Bush has no clear plan for bringing the situation in Iraq to a successful conclusion, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.
Attitudes Toward Edwards Positive, But Half Of Public Does Not Have Clear View
John Edwards begins his campaign for vice president today with a solidly favorable balance of public opinion behind him, at least among those who have opinions, but half the public has no clear view of him, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Thirty-one percent of the public, interviewed from last Thursday through
Marriage Gap Bigger Than Gender Gap, With Married People More Supportive Than Singles to Bush and Republicans
The marriage gap is bigger than the gender gap on a wide range of political issues, from opinions of George W. Bush and John Kerry to party allegiance or a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.
Bush Makes Gains on Personal Traits, Some Issues With General Public, But is Stable Among Persuadable Voters
George W. Bush improved his image with the American people significantly on attributes such as experience, steadiness, caring, knowledgeability, and trustworthiness, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.
Hypothetical Showings of Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Dole Suggest Women’s Chances of Winning the Presidency Are Better Than Some Polls Say
A woman may not have as tough a time getting elected president as some traditional polling suggests because many people who would prefer not to vote for a woman would actually do so rather than for a candidate of the other party, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey suggests. Polling of 3,572 adults
Swing Voters in Swing States Troubled By Iraq, Economy; Unimpressed with Bush and Kerry
Potential swing voters in swing states – the real target of the presidential campaign these days – are more critical of the economy and the situation in Iraq and less impressed with either George W. Bush or John Kerry than the electorate generally, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. These persuadable voters
Kerry’s Standing Improves in Battleground States After His Positive TV Ads
Since John Kerry began showing positive biographical television ads about himself in early May, he appears to have reversed a slide in public impressions of him in the battleground states, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. In the 20 states which both presidential campaigns consider tight enough to warrant spending on television
The Impact of Events on Bush Approval: A Time-Series Analysis Using 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey Data
Political scientists generally reject the idea that discrete events like tactical campaign strategies or widely-covered media events exert any meaningful influence upon mass public opinion. In teasing out the forces that affect presidential approval, social scientists have traditionally looked to factors like demographic characteristics and economic indicators for explanations of change. Communication scholars, on the
The Internet as a Source of Campaign Information: An Analysis of its use in the 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign
The Internet has become an established tool for campaign learning and information. In the 2004 presidential campaign, each candidate has employed his/her own Web Site and most had accompanying Weblogs to compete with other online and off-line sources of campaign information. Using data from the 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES04), this research seeks to