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Public Believes McCain Over New York Times Story 2 to 1, Annenberg Data Show

Two-thirds of adults in the U.S. heard or read about the New York Times February 21 story alluding to a potentially inappropriate relationship between Republican presidential hopeful Senator John McCain and a female lobbyist during his presidential bid in 2000, according to recent data collected by the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey. Of

Rush Limbaugh Succeeded in Defining John McCain’s Credentials, New National Annenberg Election Survey Finds

After Rush Limbaugh began strongly attacking Arizona Sen. John McCain’s conservative credentials, people who listened to the talk show host were more likely than the non-listening population — including those who describe themselves as conservatives — to believe that Sen. McCain was a moderate.   The findings, released today, are based on an across-time analysis

Amy Jordan Briefs Senate Staff on Childhood Obesity

More than nine million children in the United States are overweight, a figure that has tripled since the 1970s. Overweight children are more likely to suffer psychological and physical health problems in their youth, and those problems are likely to follow them to adulthood. Obesity may be the number-one health problem facing children today. That

Many youth expect to die early, new APPC study finds

Many U.S. youth ages 14 to 22 expect to die before age 30, according to a new study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.  About one out of 15 young people (6.7 percent) expressed such “unrealistic fatalism,” the study concludes. “I am surprised that one in 15 young Americans report they will die so

National Health Behavior Survey Data Now Available

Data from the Annenberg National Health Communication Survey (ANHCS) is now available to the public on a new website (  Core data from the 2005 ANHCS survey has been posted and will soon be updated to include 2006 core data and a user’s guide. The Annenberg National Health Communication Survey is designed to capture national

Holiday-Suicide Link: Newspapers Turn the Corner

Newspapers are close to putting to rest the myth that the holidays increase the risk of suicide. A new study shows a dramatic drop in articles that – despite having no basis in fact – attribute the arrival of the holiday season with an uptick in suicides. An analysis of newspaper reporting released today by

Researchers peer into voters’ brains

Kathleen Hall Jamieson and fellow researchers accomplished what the field of 2008 presidential contenders can only dream of: They got inside voters’ brains. The results of their study were published as an op-ed in Sunday’s New York Times. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to observe the brains of 20 swing voters, the researchers measured responses to

U.S. Must Be Engaged Around the World, says George P. Shultz

In a world that is drifting, the United States must come up with a cohesive game plan to guide its diplomacy, said former Secretary of State George P. Shultz who delivered the second annual Leonore Annenberg Lecture in Public Service and Global Understanding at the University of Pennsylvania on October 18. Shultz’s address was entitled