Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and APPC researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of incorporating a virtual driving assessment system into the driver’s licensing process in Ohio.
For Researchers

No Clear Evidence of Increase in Adolescent Suicide After ‘13 Reasons Why’
Contrary to a 2019 study, a data reanalysis found no evidence of an increase in adolescent suicide rates after the release of Netflix's "13 Reasons Why."

Guide to Adolescent Mental Health Disorders Available as Free E-book
"Treating and Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders" is now available to researchers, medical practitioners, and the public as a free e-book on Oxford's website.

Scientists: Engage with the Public but ‘Choose Your Audiences Wisely’
APPC researchers urge scientists to engage with the public on scientific issues but caution them to carefully choose their audiences and avoid two-sided debates explicitly framed as conflicts.