New research published by a team at APPC finds that experiencing days in which the temperature exceeds previous highs for that time of year affects people’s perception of weather trends.

New research published by a team at APPC finds that experiencing days in which the temperature exceeds previous highs for that time of year affects people’s perception of weather trends.
In PNAS, APPC researchers identify factors that reflect public assessments of science and are associated with public support for increasing U.S. funding of science.
Annenberg Classroom has released a new educational film on the landmark First Amendment freedom of the press case New York Times v. Sullivan.
Many Americans don't know the rights protected in the First Amendment or basic facts such as the branches of government, the 2023 Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey finds.
People are more apt to recommend vaccination against RSV to a pregnant family member or friend, to protect the infant, if shown a chart of the FDA's rigorous approval process.
There are substantial gaps in knowledge about maternal health, according to new survey data. In addition, few people know that 988 is the new Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
RSV is a serious health threat, but a new survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that the public is ill-informed about it and unfamiliar with some common symptoms.
On average, corrections of misinformation in science did not succeed, but a new meta-analysis identifies political and psychological factors that make corrections more successful.
A report from the Annenberg Public Policy Center explains why the federal vaccine safety reporting system, or VAERS, should be renamed.
Retro Report, an independent, nonprofit news organization, has won the 2023 Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics Award from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania