The Gilder Lehrman Institute won the 2022 Leonore Annenberg Award to create a high school program on the role of the states in determining voting rights.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute won the 2022 Leonore Annenberg Award to create a high school program on the role of the states in determining voting rights.
The Roper Center for Public Opinion at Cornell University announced today that University of Pennsylvania Professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson is the recipient of its 2022 Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research.
Climate scientist Michael Mann led the panel "Urgency, Agency, and Climate Action: The Role of Communication" for the spring Annenberg Seminar.
Younger drivers subject to mandatory driver education and Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions were less likely to crash than those licensed at 18 who were exempt from these requirements.
After Dr. Mehmet Oz endorsed the MMR vaccine on “The Dr. Oz Show,” significantly more people in a segment of his audience regarded the MMR and flu vaccine as low-risk.
New survey shows 93% of U.S. adults who are vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19 say they would be likely to recommend vaccinating children 5-11.
Americans’ confidence in the CDC and in Dr. Anthony Fauci declined in January with drops both among groups of Democrats/Democratic-leaning independents and Republicans/Republican-leaning independents, according to January survey data.
New research in PNAS led by policy center researchers finds that trust and knowledge have larger roles than Covid-specific factors in overcoming vaccination hesitancy.
Millions of Americans continue to believe misinformation about vaccination and Covid-19, and these beliefs are associated with hesitancy to get themselves and their children vaccinated – or, if they are vaccinated, to get a booster.
"Creating Conspiracy Beliefs: How Our Thoughts Are Shaped" (Cambridge University Press), by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Western Illinois University, investigates influences on conspiracy beliefs.