APPC and CHOP's Vaccine Education Center produced a video showing why it is virtually impossible for foreign DNA fragments to damage our own DNA.

APPC and CHOP's Vaccine Education Center produced a video showing why it is virtually impossible for foreign DNA fragments to damage our own DNA.
Sponsored by the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, the three-part ABA video series "Strengthening Democracy" informs military members about relevant legal topics.
A new Annenberg Classroom film explores the history of constitutional protection against “cruel and unusual punishment”
Annenberg Classroom has released a new educational film on the landmark First Amendment freedom of the press case New York Times v. Sullivan.
Annenberg Classroom has released a new film exploring the history of Juneteenth and illustrating how and why freedom and citizenship were intertwined.
In advance of Constitution Day, September 17, Annenberg Classroom has released a new film on the First Amendment's freedom of speech when it comes to students in schools.
Climate scientist Michael Mann led the panel "Urgency, Agency, and Climate Action: The Role of Communication" for the spring Annenberg Seminar.
Annenberg Classroom offers resources for Women's History Month on the 14th and 19th Amendments and the Supreme Court case Ledbetter v. Goodyear.
Annenberg Classroom presents movies for Black History Month, including the story of how a worker's personal-injury suit led to a landmark Supreme Court case on jury selection.
Annenberg Classroom has released the film “Second Amendment: D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago” on the history of gun ownership in the United States and important court rulings affecting it.