APPC, CERL, and CNAS released "There's Still Time to Protect American Democracy Against Threats to the 2020 Election," the first in a weekly series of commentaries.
Press Releases
For School or Home, iCivics and APPC Offer Three Online Civics Games
With the election approaching, iCivics and the Annenberg Public Policy Center have rereleased three free, nonpartisan educational civics games to teach students about the federal government, the courts, and law-making.
The 19th Amendment at 100: Film Traces Struggle Behind Women’s Right to Vote
To celebrate the 100th anniversary in August 2020 of the 19th Amendment, APPC is featuring the Annenberg Classroom video “The 19th Amendment: A Woman’s Right to Vote.”
Countering Anti-Vaccination Influences From Social Media – with Conversation
Exposure to anti-vax tweets was followed by negative vaccination attitudes and behavior – but not among people who discussed vaccination with others.
Problem Explored: Media Coverage of Science Identifies Problems — and Solutions
The Annenberg Science Media Monitor analyzes how the news media have presented narratives about science, from discovery to identifying problems to the "problem explored." Wins Sigma Delta Chi Award for Steel Story has been awarded a Sigma Delta Chi award for excellence in professional journalism for a 2019 story on President Trump's claims about the steel industry.
In Honor of Juneteenth, Videos and Other Civics Education Resources
In honor of Juneteenth, Annenberg Classroom is highlighting educational resources, including a video on the Supreme Court case of Thaddeus Edmonson.
Transatlantic Group Urges Transparency and Accountability for Digital Platforms
In a new report, the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression urges adoption of a flexible regulatory framework with greater transparency and accountability to curb online hate speech, violent extremism, and viral deception.
APPC Works With CNAS and Penn Law’s CERL to Protect Election Integrity
APPC will collaborate with the Center for a New American Security and Penn Law’s Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law on a project to protect the integrity of the 2020 election.
#RemoteLearning: APPC and iCivics Release Updated Online Civics Games
iCivics and APPC have rereleased two free online games, Branches of Power and Court Quest, designed to help educators and parents teach students about the federal government.