Skip to main content Named by as “One of 25 Sites We Can’t Live Without”, the nonpartisan website devoted to reducing the level of confusion and deception in U.S. politics, yesterday was named by as one of “25 Sites We Can’t Live Without.” FactCheck, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, joins web heavies such as Google, Amazon, Ebay, ESPN, Wikipedia and

The Hyperlinked Society Conference draws large audience

More than 175 bloggers, web entrepreneurs, researchers, designers, marketers and scholars gathered Friday at the Annenberg School for Communication to explore “The Hyperlinked Society.” Panel and audience members discussed everything from mapping the web and its users to economics and global access.

Internet Ranks Highest for Promoting Political Awareness and Civic Involvement Among Young People

The Internet is the best information source for promoting political awareness and civic engagement among youths aged 14-22, according to findings reported in the June issue of Communication Research. Conversely, a heavy diet of television viewing lowered political awareness. Newspaper consumption among youths heightened political knowledge, but did little to motivate the readers to become

Holiday Suicide Reporting Gets More Accurate

The Media and the Holiday Suicide Myth: Press Reporting of the Link Declines The percentage of stories debunking the holiday-suicide myth has more than doubled since 1999. Based on a review of over 300 stories published over a six-year period there has been a drop in the number of stories in which the holiday-suicide link