Men More Likely than Women to Know Policy Positions and More Likely to Feel they Can Make an Informed Choice for President In this analysis the Annenberg Public Policy Center examines why only one in two Americans (49 percent) feels she or he has learned enough about Al Gore and George W. Bush to make
Press Releases
Convention Increases America’s Appetite for News About the Presidential Race
Low Ratings Do Not Equate to Lack of Interest in Presidential Campaign Despite the fact that over half of all Americans watched only a few minutes or less of the Republican National Convention, the convention increased interest in network and cable news coverage of the presidential campaign and awareness of George W. Bush’s policy positions,
Americans Still Unfamiliar With Most of Bush and Gore’s Policy Positions and Feel Ill-Equipped to Make Choice Between Them
Fifty-five percent of Americans feel they don’t yet know enough about the candidates in the presidential election to make an informed choice, and most don’t know where George W. Bush and Al Gore stand on major policy issues according to new research from the Annenberg 2000 survey released today by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
Latest Report from the Annenberg 2000 Survey
The 2000 Nominating Campaign: Endorsements, Attacks, and Debates While an endorsement from a politician, newspaper or interest group helped candidates attract voters in the 2000 primaries, endorsements also had a ricochet effect of driving voters to other candidates, according to a new report released from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
Public Policy, Family Rules and Children’s Media Use in the Home
Despite Significant Changes to Media Home Environment, Parents Still Most Concerned about Kids’ TV Watching, V-Chip Ratings and Three-Hour Rule Not Doing Job In Helping Parents Guide Children’s Viewing Habits Study examines how families use media and explore the implications of two major public policy initiatives established to help parents better supervise their children’s television
The Internet and the Family 2000
Free Gift Could Entice Children Into Revealing Personal Family Information: Online Boys More Likely Than Girls, and Older Kids More Likely than Younger Kids, to Say it is OK to Divulge Information According to this latest report, the majority of parents who have home web access look favorably upon the internet – 89 percent believe